Summary is a classifieds service specializing in announcing job opportunities for medical professions in Poland. The site is designed to connect job seekers with employers looking for qualified medical professionals.
Employers can advertise job openings on the site and search for suitable candidates. Job seekers can search for jobs and apply for positions that match their qualifications and experience.
The site offers a wide range of medical professions, including doctors, nurses, paramedics, lab technicians and many others. Users can browse job listings by location, specialty and experience level.
In addition to job listings, the site also provides for creating a business card page for the recruiting company, adding medical events, and creating a recruiter account.
Overall, is an excellent resource for both job seekers and employers looking to find and fill medical vacancies in Poland.
What we've done
1. Map site
2. Design user interface
3. Logo and branding
4. Component UI-kit
5. Development in Angular
6. Database in Firebase
5. Recruitment and admin panel